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Orka provides a few algorithms which can be used for general purposes.


The various objects described on this page are declared in the packages Orka.Algorithms and its child packages.

Prefix sum

The package Orka.Algorithms.Prefix_Sums provides means to compute the exclusive parallel prefix sum of a sequence of unsigned integers.

First create a factory with the function Create_Factory:

PS_Factory : Factory := Create_Factory (Location);

The function must be given a location containing the directory algorithms/ at its root. This directory should contain the files prefix-sum.comp and prefix-sum-add.comp.

Given a factory, a Prefix_Sum object can be created with the function Create_Prefix_Sum:

PS : Prefix_Sum := PS_Factory.Create_Prefix_Sum (Length => Count);

Count contains a Positive number representing the number of elements for which to compute a prefix sum. The value must be a multiple of 4. The length which was given to the function Create_Prefix_Sum can be queried by the function Length of the created Prefix_Sum object.

After a Prefix_Sum object has created, it can be used to compute the prefix sum of a buffer by calling the procedure Compute_Prefix_Sum:

PS.Compute_Prefix_Sum (Buffer_1);

The length of the given buffer must be equal to the value returned by the function Length of the prefix sum object.

The content of the given buffer is modified to contain the compute prefix sum. For example, if the data of Buffer_1 is the following before calling the procedure:

[0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0]

then the data has changed to the following after the procedure returns:

[0 0 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 8]

If the original content of the buffer is still needed after computing the prefix sum, then it should be copied to another before before computing the prefix sum.

In the example above, the original content may reflect the positions of elements in some other buffer for which some predicate is true. The original content and the modified content (the prefix sum) of Buffer_1 can then be used to compact the elements of that other buffer in another compute shader. This is technique is applied when using a boolean tensor as the index of some other tensor as shown in Using a boolean tensor.


  • The length of the buffer must be a multiple of 4.

  • Procedure Compute_Prefix_Sum modifies the data of the buffer.

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

The package Orka.Algorithms.FFT provides the type FFT, which can be used to compute the Cooley-Tukey Fast Fourier Transform of a sequence of floating-point numbers.

First create the FFT object using the function Create_FFT:

FFT_1 : FFT := Create_FFT (Location);

The function must be given a location containing the directory algorithms/ at its root. This directory should contain the file fft.comp.

The Fast Fourier Transform of the data of a buffer can then be computed with the procedure Compute_FFT:

FFT_1.Compute_FFT (Buffer_1, Width, Height, Transpose => False, Inverse => False);

The content of the given buffer is modified to contain the fourier transform. The length of the given buffer should be two times the product of the given width and height.

If Transpose is true then the height must be a power of two, otherwise the width must be a power of two. If Inverse is true then the inverse of the FFT is computed.