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An array of connected monitors can be obtained using the function Monitors in package AWT.Monitors. Each Monitor object can be identified using the function ID. The function Is_Connected will return True or False depending on whether it is still connected to the system.


The state of the monitor can be retrieved with the function State:

State : constant AWT.Monitors.Monitor_State := Monitor.State;

An object of the type Monitor_State contains the following information:

  • X and Y offset of the monitor in some global space.

  • Width and Height of the monitor in physical units.

  • Refresh interval as a Duration.

  • Scale factor of the output, a Positive number.

  • Name of the monitor. The function + can be used to convert its value to a String.

The function Log_Information can be used to log all this information to the default logger.

Connection events

Because a user can connect and disconnect monitors at any time while the application is running, the application may want to listen for (dis)connection events as they occur. Extend the type Monitor_Event_Listener and override the procedures On_Connect and On_Disconnect:

type Event_Listener is new AWT.Monitors.Monitor_Event_Listener with null record;

overriding procedure On_Connect    (Object : Event_Listener; Monitor : AWT.Monitors.Monitor_Ptr);
overriding procedure On_Disconnect (Object : Event_Listener; Monitor : AWT.Monitors.Monitor_Ptr);

and implement the overridden procedures:

procedure On_Connect
  (Object  : Event_Listener;
   Monitor : AWT.Monitors.Monitor_Ptr) is
end On_Connect;

procedure On_Disconnect
  (Object  : Event_Listener;
   Monitor : AWT.Monitors.Monitor_Ptr) is
end On_Disconnect;

and then create an object of the type to start listening for events:

Monitor_Listener : Event_Listener;

As long as the object exists, the overridden procedures will be called when a monitor is connected or disconnected.

Moving a window

If a window is moved to or from a monitor, the procedure On_Move is invoked on the corresponding Window object. If not overridden, then by default information about the monitor will be printed to the default logger.

procedure On_Move
  (Object   : in out My_Window;
   Monitor  : AWT.Monitors.Monitor'Class;
   Presence : AWT.Windows.Monitor_Presence);

The parameter Presence has the value Entered or Left, depending on whether the window was moved to or from the monitor.