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Pointer and keyboard

When querying the pointer and keyboard state, it is useful to make the Button_State visible:

use all type AWT.Inputs.Button_State;


The state of the pointer can be retrieved with the overloaded function State:

Pointer : constant AWT.Inputs.Pointer_State := Window.State;

use all type AWT.Inputs.Pointer_Button;
use all type AWT.Inputs.Pointer_Mode;
use all type AWT.Inputs.Dimension;

A Pointer_State contains quite a few components:

  • Focused. A Boolean which is True if the pointer has entered the window from which the pointer state was retrieved.

  • Scrolling. A Boolean which is True if the user is scrolling in the window.

  • Mode. An enum with the values Visible, Hidden, or Locked. The pointer can be locked to keep it from leaving the window. The mode can be changed with the procedure Window.Set_Pointer_Mode.

  • Cursor. Contains the current cursor of the pointer. The cursor can be changed with the procedure Window.Set_Pointer_Cursor.


If Focused is True and Scrolling has transitioned from True to False, then, and only then, the application may activate kinetic scrolling.

The following components are related to the pointer buttons Left, Right, and Middle:

  • Buttons. An array of Button_State (value is Released or Pressed), where each state represents the current state of a particular button.

  • Pressed. An array of Boolean, where each True indicates that a button's state has transitioned from Released to Pressed.

  • Released. An array of Boolean, where each True indicates that a button's state has transitioned from Pressed to Released.

The following components are related to the position of the pointer and the scroll wheel:

  • Position. The absolute position of the pointer w.r.t. the upper-left corner of the window. If the Mode is Locked then the Position does not change.

  • Relative. The change in position relative to the previous state. This component changes only when Mode is Locked, otherwise it's value is 0.0 for both X and Y. If raw pointer motion has been enabled for a window with procedure Set_Raw_Pointer_Motion, then the unaccelerated delta's will be stored in the component.

  • Scroll. The change in the position of the scroll wheel.

Locking the position

The pointer can be hidden and locked to the current position in a window by calling the procedure Set_Pointer_Mode. This can be used, for example, to rotate the camera around an object while holding down the right pointer button:

Rotate_Camera : constant Boolean :=
  Pointer.Focused and Pointer.Buttons (Right) = Pressed;

Mode : constant AWT.Inputs.Pointer_Mode :=
  (if Rotate_Camera then Locked else Visible);

The pointer mode can then be switched between Visible and Locked:

if Mode /= Pointer.Mode then
   Window.Set_Pointer_Mode (Mode);
end if;

Changing the cursor

The current cursor of the pointer while it resides in some window can be changed with the procedure Set_Pointer_Cursor:

Cursor : AWT.Inputs.Cursors.Pointer_Cursor :=
  (if Loading_Data then Wait else Default);

The cursor of the pointer can then be changed:

if Cursor /= Pointer.Cursor then
   Window.Set_Pointer_Cursor (Cursor);
end if;


Avoid repeatedly setting the same cursor over and over again.


Besides the Default cursor, the following additional cursors can be set:

  • Links and status: Context_Menu, Help, Pointer, Progress, Wait.

  • Text selection: Cell, Crosshair, Text, Vertical_Text.

  • Drag and drop: Alias, Copy, Move, No_Drop, Not_Allowed, Grab, Grabbing.

  • Resizing and scrolling: All_Scroll, Row_Resize, Col_Resize, N_Resize, E_Resize, S_Resize, W_Resize, NE_Resize, NW_Resize, SE_Resize, SW_Resize, EW_Resize, NS_Resize, NESW_Resize, NWSE_Resize.

  • Zooming: Zoom_In, Zoom_Out.


The state of the keyboard can be retrieved with the overloaded function State:

Keyboard : constant AWT.Inputs.Keyboard_State := Window.State;

use all type AWT.Inputs.Keyboard_Button;

The Keyboard_State contains the following components:

  • Modifiers. The modifier keys like Shift, Ctrl, etc. that are currently pressed.

  • Focused. A Boolean that is True if the window has keyboard focus, and False otherwise.

The following components are related to the keys:

  • Buttons. An array of Button_State (value is Released or Pressed), where each state represents the current state of a particular key.

  • Pressed. An array of Boolean, where each True indicates that a key's state has transitioned from Released to Pressed.

  • Released. An array of Boolean, where each True indicates that a key's state has transitioned from Pressed to Released.

Several components are to be used when implementing repeating keys:

  • Last_Pressed. The last pressed key on the keyboard.

  • Repeat_Rate. The number of characters per second when repeating a key.

  • Repeat_Delay. The Duration after holding the last pressed key when repeating should start.

Limitations of keyboard support

Some functionality related to keyboards has not been implemented yet:

  • UTF-8 text input.

  • Retrieving the name key based on the Keyboard_Button and current keyboard layout.


For a full list of the keyboard keys, see type Keyboard_Button in package AWT.Inputs.


The following modifier keys exist in the Modifiers component of Keyboard_State:

  • Shift
  • Caps_Lock
  • Ctrl
  • Alt
  • Num_Lock
  • Logo