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Besides the pointer and the keyboard, AWT also supports external devices like gamepads, including the following features:

  • Mappings. Use mappings from the SDL gamecontroller database.

  • Events. Listen for (dis)connection events.

  • Detectors. Detect chords, sequences, and button tapping.

  • Force-feedback. Play and cancel rumble and periodic force-feedback effects.

  • Motion sensor. Get the estimated orientation or measured linear acceleration and angular velocity using the motion sensor of a gamepad.

  • Battery. Retrieve the capacity and charging state of the battery of a gamepad.

  • LED. Get and set the color of the LED of a gamepad.

After the package AWT.Inputs.Gamepads has been initialized, an array of Gamepad objects can be obtained with the function Gamepads. Some basic information about a gamepad can be printed to the default logger with the procedure Log_Information:

for Gamepad of AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Gamepads loop
end loop;

The functions Name, Serial_Number, and GUID, return the name, serial number and the 32 character GUID of the gamepad. Function Connection returns the values Disconnected, Wired, or Wireless.


To initialize the currently connected gamepads and to make sure that gamepads that are connected by the user later on get initialized as well, the procedure Initialize must be called. However, before calling this procedure, the button and axis mappings should be loaded first.


To properly initialize gamepads, button and axis mappings are needed from the SDL gamecontroller database. These mappings should be loaded before the gamepads are initialized by the procedure Initialize.

Download the gamecontrollerdb.txt file and store it in some folder, for example, in data/. Then create a Location object for this folder:

Location_Data : constant Orka.Resources.Locations.Location_Ptr :=
  (Orka.Resources.Locations.Directories.Create_Location ("data/"));

See Locations for more information about loading resources from a location and a list of implementations that implement the Location interface.

Next, read the file and call Set_Mapping, giving it the content of the read file:

if Location_Data.Exists ("gamecontrollerdb.txt") then
     (Orka.Resources.Convert (Location_Data.Read_Data ("gamecontrollerdb.txt").Get));
end if;

Initialize gamepads

After having loaded the mappings, procedure Initialize must be called to make sure that current and future connected gamepads get initialized:


Updating state

To update the state of the gamepad, the hardware must be polled regularly at a fixed interval. This interval may be as small as something like a few milliseconds, especially if a gamepad has a motion sensor and state estimation of the pose should be done. To poll the hardware of the connected gamepads, execute procedure Poll:

AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Poll (DT => 0.004);

Parameter DT may be 0.0 if parts of the state that depend on knowing how often the procedure is called, such as pose estimation, are not needed.

Because the hardware is polled at a different frequency than the main event loop for window, pointer, and keyboard events, the polling should happen in a separate task:

task body Gamepads_Poller is
   Interval : constant Time_Span := Milliseconds (4);
   DT       : constant Duration  := To_Duration (Interval);

   Next_Time : Time := Clock + Interval;
      exit when Window.Should_Close;

      AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Poll (DT);

      Process_State_Of (AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Gamepads);

      delay until Next_Time;
      Next_Time := Next_Time + Interval;
   end loop;
end Gamepads_Poller;

where Process_State_Of is a user-defined procedure that does something with an array of Gamepad objects.


The state of the buttons, axes, and triggers can be retrieved using the overloaded function State:

State : constant AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Gamepad_State := Gamepad.State;

A Gamepad_State object has a few components related to the analog sticks and triggers:

  • Axes. An array of Axis_Position, a fixed-point value in [-1.0, 1.0).

  • Triggers. An array of Trigger_Position, a fixed-point value in [0.0, 1.0).

And a few related to the digital buttons:

  • Buttons. An array of Button_State (value is Released or Pressed), where each state represents the current state of a particular button.

  • Pressed. An array of Boolean, where each True indicates that a button's state has transitioned from Released to Pressed.

  • Released. An array of Boolean, where each True indicates that a button's state has transitioned from Pressed to Released.

The arrays Pressed and Released are particularly useful to perform actions that must happen just once. Polling the hardware will reset the values in these two arrays; the next value of a button whose current value is True in the array Pressed, will be False again.

For example, a rumble effect can be uploaded and played when the user presses the right shoulder button, and canceled when the user releases the button:

if State.Pressed (Shoulder_Right) then
   Gamepad.Play_Effect (Effect_Fire_Weapon);
elsif State.Released (Shoulder_Right) then
   Gamepad.Cancel_Effect (Effect_Fire_Weapon);
end if;

While the array Buttons is useful for detecting if a button is currently held down in a pressed state:

Options_Visible : constant Boolean := State.Buttons (Center_Right) = Pressed;


The values of the enum types Gamepad_Button, Gamepad_Axis, and Gamepad_Trigger can be made visible with:

use all type AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Gamepad_Button;
use all type AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Gamepad_Axis;
use all type AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Gamepad_Trigger;


Package AWT.Inputs.Gamepads has several child packages which can be used to detect several ways in which the user presses one or more buttons:

  • Chord. Pressing multiple buttons at the same time.

  • Sequence. Pressing multiple buttons, one at a time, in a specific order.

  • Tapping. Rapidly pressing a single button.

The detectors use a Gamepad_State object to perform the detection. This state should be retrieved and stored in a constant every time after the gamepad state has been polled with procedure AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Poll and before any of the detectors are used:

   State : constant AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Gamepad_State := Gamepad.State;
   --  Perform the detection here


A chord refers to multiple buttons pressed by the user at the same time. A chord must consist of 2 to 4 buttons. The type Chord in package AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Chords is used to detect a chord.

Because humans are not perfect, they may press some buttons of the chord a little bit later after the first one. The detector should therefore allow for a small duration of between something like 30 to 80 milliseconds between the first and last button press.

The function Create_Chord is used to create a chord detector:

Chord_Detector : AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Chords.Chord :=
    (Buttons  => (Shoulder_Left, Action_Down, Action_Right),
     Max_Time => 0.080);

This detector detects when the user presses the buttons L1, triangle/A, and circle/B within 80 milliseconds of each other. To test whether a chord was activated, call function Detect_Activation:

if Chord_Detector.Detect_Activation (State) then
   --  The user has pressed the required buttons at the same time
end if;

The detector detects a chord exactly once. After a detection, the user must release all buttons of the chord to reset the detector.


A sequence of button presses can be detected by the type Sequence in package AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Sequences. A sequence must consist of between 2 to 16 button presses and buttons may occur multiple times.

The user should be given multiple seconds to press the buttons of a sequence, depending on the length of the sequence.

The function Create_Sequence is used to create a sequence detector:

Sequence_Detector : AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Sequences.Sequence :=
    (Buttons  => (Direction_Up,
     Max_Time => 7.0);

This detector detects if the user has pressed the buttons in the sequence within 7 seconds. Just like with the chord detector, the function Detect_Activation is used to detect whether the sequence has activated:

if Sequence_Detector.Detect_Activation (State) then
   --  The user has pressed the required buttons in the correct order
   --  within the allowed time
end if;

The detector detects a sequence exactly once. After a detection, the user can press the buttons of the sequence again starting with the first button of the sequence. If the user presses a wrong button during the sequence, the sequence will reset and the user can simply try again starting with the first button of the sequence.


Some actions may require the user to rapidly press a single button multiple times. The type Button_Tap_Detector in package AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Tapping can be used to detect this.

The user should be given the time to press the button within something like between 200 to 300 milliseconds between button presses.

The function Create_Tap_Detector is used to create a button tap detector:

Tap_Detector : AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Tapping.Button_Tap_Detector :=
    (Button    => Action_Down,
     Max_Delta => 0.28);

This detector detects whethe the user is rapidly pressing the triangle/A button within 280 milliseconds of the previous press. The function Detect_Activation can be used to detect whether the user is tapping the button:

if Tap_Detector.Detect_Activation (State) then
   --  The user is rapidly pressing the button
end if;

The function returns True when the user has pressed the button (after releasing it first) within the required duration after the previous press of the button.


The state of a battery can be retrieved with the overloaded function State:

Battery : constant AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Battery_State := Gamepad.State;

The discriminant Is_Present is True if a battery is present, and False otherwise. If present, the Capacity gives a whole number between 0 and 100. The component Status has the value Discharging, Charging, or Not_Charging.


The state of a LED can be retrieved with the overloaded function State:

LED : constant AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.LED_State := Gamepad.State;

If a LED is present, then Is_Present will have the value True, and False if the gamepad has no LED. The component Brightness gives a normalized value between 0.0 and 1.0. The Color is an array of normalized values for Red, Green, and Blue.

Changing the color

The color and brightness can be set with the procedure Set_LED:

  (Brightness => 0.9,
   Color      => (Red => 0.8, Green => 0.1, Blue => 0.0));

Motion sensor

The state of the motion sensor can be retrieved with the overloaded function State:

Motion : constant AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Motion_State := Gamepad.State;

If a gamepad has a motion sensor, then Is_Present will return True, otherwise it will return False. If a motion sensor is present, then the component Axes is an array with the raw measured values of the linear acceleration and angular velocity. The values at the indices X, Y, and Z are the measured acceleration values in g's, where g is the gravitational acceleration constant (1 g = 9.81 m/s2). The values of the Rx, Ry, and Rz are the measured angular velocity in degrees per second.

If the hardware has been polled with a DT greater than 0.0 (see Updating state on how to poll the hardware), then Has_Pose will be True as well, otherwise it will be False. The estimated true angular velocity (pitch up, yaw left, roll left) in radians per second is then stored in Angular_Velocity, while the estimated orientation is stored as a quaternion in the component Orientation.


Some gamepads support force-feedback. Usually only a limited number of effects can be stored on the device. The function Effects returns a Natural number that tells how many effects can be stored. If the application tries to play too many effects at once, the oldest one will be removed to make space on the device.

First, create an Effect object and store it as a constant in a package. An effect can then be played with the procedure Play_Effect and canceled with the procedure Cancel_Effect:

if State.Pressed (Shoulder_Right) then
   Gamepad.Play_Effect (Effect_Fire_Weapon);
elsif State.Released (Shoulder_Right) then
   Gamepad.Cancel_Effect (Effect_Fire_Weapon);
end if;

It is not needed to continuously call Play_Effect to play an effect for its whole duration. It is sufficient and required to call the procedure just once when it should start playing after being triggered by some activation condition. The effect will be automatically uploaded to the gamepad if necessary.


The following effects are supported:

  • Rumble

  • Periodic

Do not unnecessarily recreate Effect objects

The Effect object returned by one of the functions mentioned below is partially stored in some hidden data structure. Therefore, do not unnecessarily recreate these objects. Instead, create the effects once and store it as a constant in a package.


The function Rumble_Effect returns an effect that has a Strong and Weak magnitude, both normalized values between 0.0 and 1.0. The first two parameters are the Length and Offset of the effect and specify the Duration of the effect and the delay before the effect starts.

For example, a rumble effect of 0.15 seconds that starts immediately and has a strong magnitude of 0.7 and weak magnitude of 1.0, is created with:

Effect_Rumble : constant AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Effect :=
  AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Rumble_Effect (0.15, 0.0, 0.7, 1.0);


A periodic effect can be created with the function Periodic_Effect. Just like function Rumble_Effect, the first two parameters are the Length and Offset. The remaining three parameters specify the Magnitude, Attack, and Fade. Magnitude is a normalized value, and Attack and Fade are both of the type Duration and specify how long it will take to transition to the full magnitude and back to zero magnitude.

For example, to create an effect that takes 3 seconds to go to a magnitude of 0.8, stay at that level for another 3 seconds, and then fade to zero in 2 seconds, use the following code:

Effect_Periodic : constant AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Effect :=
  AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Periodic_Effect (8.0, 0.0, 0.8, 3.0, 2.0);

Connection events

Just like monitors, gamepads may be connected or disconnected from the system at arbitrary times. A listener object can be used to listen for these events. Extend the type Gamepad_Event_Listener and override the procedures On_Connect and On_Disconnect:

type Event_Listener is new AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Gamepad_Event_Listener with null record;

procedure On_Connect
  (Object  : Event_Listener;
   Gamepad : AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Gamepad_Ptr);

procedure On_Disconnect
  (Object  : Event_Listener;
   Gamepad : AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Gamepad_Ptr);

and implement the overridden procedures:

procedure On_Connect
  (Object  : Event_Listener;
   Gamepad : AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Gamepad_Ptr) is
end On_Connect;

procedure On_Disconnect
  (Object  : Event_Listener;
   Gamepad : AWT.Inputs.Gamepads.Gamepad_Ptr) is
end On_Disconnect;

and then create an object of the type to start listening for events:

Gamepad_Listener : Event_Listener;

As long as the object exists, the overridden procedures will be called when a gamepad is connected or disconnected.