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Buffers are objects that contain data that can be read or written by shaders on the GPU. Buffers must contain homogeneous data (all elements in the buffer have the same type) and can be numeric or composite. Composite data can be vectors, matrices, or draw commands for indirect drawing.


The various objects described on this page are declared in the package Orka.Rendering.Buffers and its child packages.

Creating a buffer

To create a buffer, call Create_Buffer:

Buffer_1 : Buffer := Create_Buffer
  (Flags  => (Dynamic_Storage => True, others => False),
   Kind   => Orka.Types.UInt_Type,
   Length => 64);

Length specifies the number of elements in the buffer, not the number of bytes. The size of a buffer can be queried with the function Length.

Alternatively, Create_Buffer can be called with the parameters Flags and Data to initialize the buffer with the given data:

Indices  : Unsigned_32_Array := (1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 3);

Buffer_2 : Buffer := Create_Buffer ((others => False), Indices);


Buffers can contain data of one of the following types from package Orka:

  • Unsigned_8_Array
  • Unsigned_16_Array
  • Unsigned_32_Array
  • Integer_8_Array
  • Integer_16_Array
  • Integer_32_Array
  • Float_16_Array
  • Float_32_Array
  • Float_64_Array

and the following types from package GL.Types.Indirect:

  • Arrays_Indirect_Command_Array
  • Elements_Indirect_Command_Array
  • Dispatch_Indirect_Command_Array

and of the following types from Orka.Types.Singles and Orka.Types.Doubles:

  • Vector4_Array
  • Matrix4_Array

Additionally, for mapped buffers, the non-array versions of the last five types can also be written.

Uploading data

If data needs to be uploaded to the buffer from the CPU after the buffer has been created, then Dynamic_Storage must be true and Set_Data with the parameter Data can be called to upload the data:

Buffer_1.Set_Data (Indices, Offset => 42);

Parameter Offset is optional (default value is 0) and specifies the position in the buffer of the first element of the given data.

Downloading data

To synchronously download data, first set a barrier:

GL.Barriers.Memory_Barrier ((Buffer_Update => True, others => False));

and then call procedure Get_Data:

   Data : Float_32_Array (1 .. 16) := (others => 0.0);
   Buffer_0.Get_Data (Data);

This procedure may stall the CPU.

Asynchronously downloading data is not yet supported

See issue #32 on GitHub.

Clearing data

Regardless of the value of Dynamic_Storage, data from a buffer can be cleared with the procedure Clear_Data:

   Data : Unsigned_32_Array := (1, 2, 0);
   Buffer_2.Clear_Data (Data);

This will write (repeatedly) 1, 2, and 0 to the buffer. To efficiently clear the buffer with zeros, use an array with one zero:

Buffer_2.Clear_Data (Single_Array'(1 => 0.0));

Copying data to another buffer

Regardless of the value of Dynamic_Storage, data from a buffer can be copied to another buffer by calling the procedure Copy_Data on the source buffer.


Disable Dynamic_Storage if the buffer is only written by shaders on the GPU. This makes the buffer immutable and may give the video driver the freedom to allocate it in faster memory and/or perform faster validation.

To upload data to an immutable buffer, an extra buffer with Dynamic_Storage can be created as a staging buffer. After having called Set_Data on this staging buffer, the data can be copied to the immutable buffer by calling Copy_Data.

Binding buffers

Buffer objects implement the interface Bindable_Buffer, which provides the procedure Bind. This procedure can be used to bind the buffer to a target so that it can be used by certain operations like indirect drawing. Valid targets are:

  • Index
  • Dispatch_Indirect
  • Draw_Indirect
  • Parameter
  • Pixel_Pack
  • Pixel_Unpack
  • Query


The targets can be made directly visible with use all type Orka.Rendering.Buffers.Buffer_Target.

Accessing buffers in shaders

A second procedure Bind exists to bind the buffer object to the index of a target so that the buffer can be accessed in a shader. Valid targets are:

  • Shader_Storage (SSBO)
  • Uniform (UBO)

A UBO should only be used for small amount of data (no more than 64 KiB) that is accessed uniformly by all threads of a shader. Otherwise it is recommended to use an SSBO, which does not have these limitations.


The targets can be made directly visible with use all type Orka.Rendering.Buffers.Indexed_Buffer_Target.


SSBOs are large writable buffers:

  • Guaranteed to be at least 128 MiB. The storage size can be variable.

  • Can be read and written. Writes can be atomic via special functions. A barrier is required after a shader has written to the buffer.

To use a buffer as an SSBO, create a buffer with a binding index in a shader:

layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer matrixBuffer {
    mat4 matrices[];

and then bind the buffer to the used index:

Buffer_3.Bind (Shader_Storage, 0);

If data has been uploaded to the buffer or data was written to it by a shader, a memory barrier must be inserted before the buffer can be read by another shader:

GL.Barriers.Memory_Barrier ((Shader_Storage => True, others => False));

The buffer can then be accessed in the shader via the variable matrices.


If a shader progam has written data to the buffer, you must add a barrier before another program or OpenGL command reads from that buffer again. The kind of barrier that is needed depends on how the buffer is subsequently read.

Memory qualifiers

See Memory qualifiers on the OpenGL Wiki for a list of memory qualifiers that can be added to the buffer variable.


A uniform buffer is a buffer that provides uniform data and can be used as an alternative to a set of separate uniforms. If several different shader programs require the same set of uniforms, a UBO is a good fit because it avoids having to set the same uniforms for different programs; the buffer needs to be binded only once.

Compared to SSBOs, UBOs are severely restricted:

  • UBOs are at least 16 KiB, but often 64 KiB or even 2 GiB for some vendors. Storage size is fixed.

  • Can only be read, not written.

  • Should be access uniformly by the shader invocations. May be faster than SSBOs.

To use a buffer as an UBO, create a buffer with a binding index in a shader:

layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform cameraBuffer {
    mat4 viewTM;
    mat4 projTM;

and then bind the buffer to the used index:

Buffer_3.Bind (Uniform, 0);


Note that the std140 layout pads vectors to 16 bytes (vec4). You should avoid using vec3. See Memory layout on the OpenGL Wiki.


A third way to access a buffer in a shader is as a TBO. Data is fetched in the shader via a texture unit, which can do format conversion in hardware. In order to use a buffer as a TBO, the buffer must be attached to a Buffer_Texture object (a special kind of texture):

Buffer_Texture_1.Attach_Buffer (GL.Pixels.RGBA32F, Buffer_3.GL_Buffer);

Furthermore, a uniform with an explicit binding index must be declared in the shader:

layout(binding = 0) uniform samplerBuffer matrixBuffer;

and the buffer texture must be binded to this binding point:

   use all type Orka.Rendering.Textures.Indexed_Texture_Target;
   Orka.Rendering.Textures.Bind (Buffer_Texture_1, Texture, 0);

Data can then be fetched via the texelFetch function in the shader.

Mapped buffers

Mapped buffers are buffers that can be read from or written to from any task, not just the task for which the OpenGL context is current, which is what is normally required for any OpenGL subprogram. Creating and deleting these buffers must still happen in the rendering task, just like any other OpenGL object.

The package Orka.Rendering.Buffers.Mapped contains the type Mapped_Buffer, which is used and extended by all implementations of mapped buffers. The type Mapped_Buffer has two discriminants: Kind and Mode. If a record type containing a mapped buffer is needed, the type and the component containing the mapped buffer can be declared as follows:

type Record_1 is record
   Component_1 : Some_Mapped_Buffer
     (Kind => Orka.Types.Single_Matrix_Type,
      Mode => Orka.Rendering.Buffers.Mapped.Write);
end record;

Just like a regular Buffer, a Mapped_Buffer can be binded to a target or to a binding point with the procedure Bind.

Writing and reading data

Data can be written to the buffer with procedure Write_Data if discriminant Mode has the value Write and read with procedure Read_Data if the discriminant equals Read.

To write data, call Write_Data:

Buffer_3.Write_Data (Matrix, Offset => Instance_Index);

To read elements from a mapped buffer, create an array on the stack and then call Read_Data:

   Data : Integer_32_Array (1 .. 16) := (others => 0);
   Buffer_4.Read_Data (Data);

Persistent mapped buffers

Persistent mapped buffers are buffers that are and remain mapped indefinitely (until the buffer is deleted). This kind of mapped buffer is useful for data that is updated every frame.

Because the mapping is persistent, the GPU may read from or write to the buffer while it is mapped. To guarantee mutually exclusive access between the GPU and the CPU, the buffer must be split into multiple regions and fences must be used to make sure the GPU and CPU never operate on the same region.

To create a persistent mapped buffer, use the function Create_Buffer in package Orka.Rendering.Buffers.Mapped.Persistent:

Buffer_4 : Persistent_Mapped_Buffer := Create_Buffer
  (Kind    => Orka.Types.Single_Matrix_Type,
   Length  => 1024,
   Mode    => Orka.Rendering.Buffers.Mapped.Write,
   Regions => 3);

At the end of a frame, after reading or writing to the buffer, the buffer can be set to the next region:


Note that this procedure does not set or wait for any fence. See Fences on how to set and wait for a fence.

Writing data

If it is intended to write to the buffer, as indicated by setting Mode to Write, then you must wait for the fence of the current region to complete before writing and then set a new fence after the drawing or dispatch commands which use the buffer.

Reading data

In the case of reading from the buffer, set a new fence after the drawing or dispatch commands and then later wait for it to complete before reading the data.


Persistent mapped buffers in Orka are coherent. This means that writes by the GPU or CPU will be automatically visible to the other. There is no need to add a barrier before a fence is set in the case of reading from a mapped buffer.

Unsynchronized mapped buffers

For use cases where a buffer does not need to be mapped indefinitely, an unsynchronized mapped buffer can be created instead. An unsynchronized mapped buffer can be mapped and then later unmapped. This is useful so that data can be written to it by a non-rendering task.

To create an unsynchronized mapped buffer, use the function Create_Buffer in package Orka.Rendering.Buffers.Mapped.Unsynchronized:

Buffer_5 : Unsynchronized_Mapped_Buffer := Create_Buffer
  (Kind   => Orka.Types.Int_Type,
   Length => 16,
   Mode   => Orka.Rendering.Buffers.Mapped.Write);

After the buffer has been created, it can be mapped:


When the buffer is mapped, the procedures Read_Data or Write_Data can be used to read or write data from or to the buffer, depending on the used Mode in the Create_Buffer call. These procedures can be called from any task.

After data has been read or written, the mapped buffer must be unmapped again so that it can be used by the GPU:


If the buffer is not mapped, the function Buffer can be called to retrieve the actual Buffer object. This object can then be used for other purposes, such as binding it to some target so that it can be used by shaders. See Binding Buffers on how to bind a Buffer object.


A fence is needed when using persistent mapped buffers or asynchronously downloading data. The fence is retired after the previous rendering commands have been completed.

To create a fence, call the function Create_Buffer_Fence in the package Orka.Rendering.Fences and make sure the parameter Regions is equal to the value used by Create_Buffer when creating the persistent mapped buffer:

Fence_1 : Buffer_Fence := Create_Buffer_Fence (Regions => 3);

It will actually create multiple fences, one for each region of the buffer. One Buffer_Fence (with multiple regions) is sufficient for multiple persistent mapped buffers as long as the buffers all have the same number of regions and are all moved to the next region before the fence is moved to the next region.

To wait for the fence of current region to retire, call procedure Prepare_Index:

   Status : Fence_Status;
   Fence_1.Prepare_Index (Status);

This call may be done once at the start of a frame. The Status will be Signaled if the fence was retired during or before the call. If waiting failed or timed out, then the value will be Not_Signaled.

At the end of a frame, the procedure Advance_Index must be called to move the fence to the next region:



Barrier must be inserted between compute and rendering commands to make sure that the data becomes visible to a shader program or the video driver.

For example, if data was uploaded to a buffer or written by some compute shader, and is then subsequently read as an SSBO by another program running on the GPU, a Shader_Storage memory barrier must be inserted between the two commands:

GL.Barriers.Memory_Barrier ((Shader_Storage => True, others => False));

--  Issue a rendering command in which a shader accesses the buffer as an SSBO

In another example, if a compute shader has written data to a buffer and the buffer must then be copied to another buffer, insert a Buffer_Update barrier:

GL.Barriers.Memory_Barrier ((Buffer_Update => True, others => False));

Buffer_1.Copy_Data (Buffer_2);

For use cases such as deferred shading where ordering of reads and writes matters only to fragment shaders, the procedure Memory_Barrier_By_Region can be used instead. In this case both By_Region and the requested barrier must be set to True:

  ((By_Region => True, Texture_Fetch => True, others => False));

It is not harmful to use Memory_Barrier other than that Memory_Barrier_By_Region may provide better performance.

The following barriers can be inserted:

Name Usable with By_Region Usage
Uniform Yes UBOs
Texture_Fetch Yes texture*()
Shader_Image_Access Yes image*()
Framebuffer Yes Textures attached to framebuffers
Shader_Storage Yes SSBOs
Element_Array No Buffers binded to Index
Command No Buffers binded to Query_Buffer
Pixel_Buffer No Buffers binded to Pixel_Pack or Pixel_Unpack
Texture_Update No Textures
Buffer_Update No Buffers and mapped buffers
Query_Buffer No Buffers binded to Query


The kind of barrier that is needed depends on how the buffer is subsequently read.