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Resources may be loaded from arbitrary locations such as folders, archives, removable media, or remote locations accessible over a network. To provide access to these locations without coupling the application to specific locations, the package Orka.Resources.Locations provides the limited interfaces Location and Writable_Location. Instances of these interfaces can be injected as dependencies into subsystems that need to load resources.

An instance of a Location provides read-only access to files, while a Writable_Location provides read and write access. An instance of a Location is accessed via a Location_Ptr and an instance of a Writable_Location is accessed via a Writable_Location_Ptr.

Checking whether a file exists

To check if a file exists in a certain location, call the function Exists:

if Location_Models.Exists (Path => "animals/orka.gltf") then
   --  The model can be loaded
end if;

Reading a file

To read a file identified by a path and get a pointer to a Byte_Array, call the function Read_Data:

   Data : constant Orka.Resources.Byte_Array_Pointers.Pointer
     := Location_Resources.Read_Data (Path => "shaders/model.frag");
   Shader.Set_Source (Orka.Resources.Convert (Data.Get));

Package Orka.Resources provides the utility function Convert to do an unchecked conversion from Byte_Array to String.

Writing to a file

Writing data to a file in a location requires the location instance to implement the Writable_Location interface. Given an instance of a writable location, data can be written to a file identified by a path using the Write_Data procedure:

   Bytes : constant Orka.Resources.Byte_Array_Pointers.Pointer := ...
   Location_Screenshots.Write_Data (Path => "screenshot.ktx", Data => Bytes.Get);

The file will be created if necessary.


To save a Texture object to a file, use the procedure Write_Texture in the package Orka.Resources.Textures.KTX to write the texture to a .ktx file in a writable location. This procedure will internally call Write_Data to save the KTX data to the specified file.



Package Orka.Resources.Locations.Directories provides a location object that provides read and/or write access to files in a folder on a file system.

The function Create_Location can either return a Location_Ptr for read-only access or a Writable_Location_Ptr for read and write access. The function must be given the path to a folder:

use Orka.Resources;

Location_Resources : constant Locations.Location_Ptr
  := Locations.Directories.Create_Location ("path/to/resources");

Location_Screenshots : constant Locations.Writable_Location_Ptr
  := Locations.Directories.Create_Location ("path/to/screenshots");


Package Orka.Resources.Locations.Archives provides a location object that provides read-only access to files in a document container file, a Zip-based archive format.

To create a location backed by a Zip file, execute the function Create_Location giving it a path to a Zip file:

use Orka.Resources;

Location_Resources : constant Locations.Location_Ptr
  := Locations.Archives.Create_Location ("path/to/");


To use package Orka.Resources.Locations.Archives add Alire crate orka_plugins_archives to your list of dependencies:

$ alr with orka_plugins_archives