Matrix operations¶
2-D tensors, or matrices, have a few special operations that can be applied to them.
Matrix multiplication¶
The *
operator is used to perform matrix multiplication on matrices
and vectors. Matrix multiplication is useful to apply transformations
to points (vectors). For example, A * B * X
transforms X
by B
to B x and then multiplies with A
to transform it to the
result A B x.
It is more efficient to compute A * (B * X)
A * B * X
if X
is a column. This is because the latter
will perform one matrix-matrix and one matrix-vector multiplication,
while the former will perform two matrix-vector multiplications, but
zero matrix-matrix multiplications.
Use function Multiply
for element-wise multiplication
Matrix multiplication is associative and distributive:
A * (B * C) = (A * B) * C
A * (B + C) = A * B + A * C
(similar for(B + C) * A
Matrix multiplication is not commutative
Matrix multiplication is not commutative: A * B /= B * A
Matrix division¶
The function Divide_By
can solve X * A = B
for X
X : constant CPU_Tensor := Divide_By (B, A);
Matrix power and inverse¶
If the left operand of the operator **
is a tensor and the right operand
an Integer
, then the operator will perform the matrix power. That is,
A ** K
where A
is a tensor, will multiply the matrix A
itself K
times. For example, A ** 3 = A * A * A
Note that matrix A
must be square. A ** 0
is equal to the
identity matrix and A ** (-1)
is equal to the inverse of A
Any K
lower than -1 will first compute the inverse of A
and then
raise that to the power of the absolute value of K
Alternatively, the function Inverse
will perform A ** (-1)
An exception is raised if the matrix is not invertible
If a matrix A
is singular, the inverse does not exist and function
or the **
operator will raise the exception Singular_Matrix
A x = b can be solved for x with A-1 b, but it is
more efficient and accurate to use function Solve
The inverse of A * B
is equal to the product of the
inverses in the reverse order:
(A * B).Inverse = B.Inverse * A.Inverse
The inverse of an invertible matrix A
is also invertible:
A.Inverse.Inverse = A
The function Transpose
returns the transpose of a 2-D tensor; the columns
become the rows and the rows become the columns.
For example, given a 2 × 3 matrix Tensor
containing the following elements:
tensor([[ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
[ 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]])
The image of the transpose Tensor.Transpose
will print:
tensor([[ 1.0, 4.0],
[ 2.0, 5.0],
[ 3.0, 6.0]])
The transpose of A * B
is equal to the product of the
transposes in the reverse order:
(A * B).Transpose = B.Transpose * A.Transpose
Other properties that apply are:
A.Transpose.Transpose = A
(A + B).Transpose = A.Transpose + B.Transpose
Outer product¶
The outer product of two vectors, 1-D tensors, returned by the function
, is a matrix, a 2-D tensor. The number of rows is equal to the
size of the first vector and the number of columns is equal to the size
of the second vector.
The difference between the outer and inner products
The outer product for two vectors u and v is defined as u vT and is a n × m matrix, while the inner product (or dot product) is defined as uT v is a 1 × 1 matrix.
Solving A x = b¶
A system of linear equations can be solved by row reducing the augmented
matrix [A b] to [I x], where I is the identity matrix.
The function Solve
is given two tensors A
and B
and solves A x = b
for each vector b in tensor B
The function has a third parameter Solution
of mode out
. It will have
one of the following values after the function Solve
. If the system is inconsistent for any vector inB
. -
. IfA
has more columns than rows or if one of its pivots is not on the main diagonal, thenA
has one or more free variables and thus the system of linear equations will have an infinite number of solutions. IfA
has free variables, their vectors are not returned in anyout
parameter. -
. A x = b has exactly one solution for all vectors inB
If you do not know whether the system is always consistent with a
unique solution, then it is recommended to just call the function Least_Squares
instead (see below).
It will return a solution even if b is not in the column space of A.
Using triangular matrices¶
If matrix A
is square and triangular, then a different instance of Solve
can be used to solve the equation A x = b more efficiently.
The parameter Form
must specify whether tensor A
is lower or upper triangular.
For example, given a upper triangular A
, the equation can be solved as follows:
X : constant CPU_Tensor := Solve (A, B, Form => Upper);
must be either lower or upper triangular. If A
does not
have this form, then either the function Solve
with the parameter
or the function Least_Squares
must be called.
The trace of a matrix or 2-D tensor is the sum of the elements on the main
diagonal and can be computed with the function Trace
The optional parameter Offset
can be given to specify the diagonal to use
Main diagonal¶
Function Main_Diagonal
returns a 1-D tensor filled with the elements on
the main diagonal of a 2-D tensor. The diagonal to use can be specified with
the optional parameter Offset
The equation A x = b describes the transformation of a vector x to vector b. If the system of equations is consistent, then b is a linear combination of the columns of A.
If a matrix A has the shape m × n with m < n, then A has free variables and A x = b has an infinite number of solutions; there exist multiple vectors x that can be transformed to vector b. To say it differently: vector b is in the column space of A, the set of all linear combinations of the columns of A.
If m > n instead, then row reducing [A b] to [U x] may result in the last few rows of U containing zeros. In that case the system of equations is inconsistent and there is no solution. At most there is one solution because there are no free variables. Thus there may exist a vector b that is not in the column space of A.
For example, the identity matrix I with the shape 3 × 3 has pivots in each column and thus the columns are linear independent and span the infinite column space of I: you can think of any vector x (a point in a 3-D space) and I x will be equal to x itself.
Another matrix, A, may have the shape 3 × 2, and if the two columns are not a multiple of each other, then they span a 2-D plane in a 3-D space ℝ3. A vector b in ℝ3 (with three elements) in the column space of A is a linear combination of the columns of A and the vector x in ℝ2 (a vector with two elements), which is a point in the plane spanned by the columns of A.
Now imagine that the columns of matrix A create a horizontal plane and vector b is a point floating just above this plane. Then b is not in the column space of A and the equation A x = b has no solution. However, there may be vector A x' = b' that is in the column space of A and that is very close to b. Thus the least-squares problem is finding a vector x' that minimizes the distance between b and A x'.
Given a matrix A
A : constant CPU_Tensor :=
To_Tensor ((1.0, 5.0,
1.0, -2.0,
1.0, -4.0,
1.0, 1.0)).Reshape ((4, 2));
and a vector B
B : constant CPU_Tensor := To_Tensor ((2.0, 3.0, -3.0, 7.0));
Function Least_Squares
can be used to compute the least-squares
solution as follows:
X : constant CPU_Tensor := Least_Squares (A, B);
The image of X
will be:
tensor([ 2.25000E+00, 5.00000E-01])
If the columns of A
are orthogonal (which happens to be the case
in the example above), then the orthogonal projection of B
column ai of A
is a linear combination of the column ai
and the coefficient (b ∙ ai) / (ai ∙ ai).
This is an alternative way to compute the values of x and does not
require computing the QR factorization of A.
For the example above, x is 9.0 / 4.0 and 23.0 / 46.0.
Caching the QR factorization¶
The function Least_Squares
above computes the QR factorization
needed to compute the least-squares solution. If a solution must be
computed repeatedly for different vectors b, then it is helpful
to cache the QR factorization using the function QR_For_Least_Squares
QR_A : constant CPU_QR_Factorization :=
CPU_QR_Factorization (QR_For_Least_Squares (A));
If A
is undetermined (m < n) then function QR_For_Least_Squares
computes the QR factorization of AT instead.
There is another function QR
that does not perform this automatic
transposition, but the resulting object cannot be used by function
. In fact, doing so will raise a Program_Error
The factorization QR_A
can then be used by function Least_Squares
to compute the least-squares solution for some tensor B
X : constant CPU_Tensor := Least_Squares (QR_A, B);
Tensor B
can be a vector or a matrix of column vectors.
Orthogonal projection¶
The orthogonal projection b' of b onto the column space of A
can be obtained by multiplying A
with the computed least-squares
solution X
or by computing Q QT b where Q is the
orthogonal matrix Q from the QR factorization of A
Adding constraints¶
The function Constrained_Least_Squares
can be used to constrain
x' such that C x' = d when computing the least-squares
solution x':
X : constant CPU_Tensor := Constrained_Least_Squares (A, B, C, D);
Tensor C
must be a matrix and have the same number of columns as A
and same number of rows as D
. Tensor B
and D
must have same number
of columns.
The smallest x' can be computed for which C x' = d by setting
to the identity matrix and B
to a vector of zeros.
Minimizing ‖A x - b‖2 becomes ‖x‖2:
Size : constant Natural := C.Shape (2);
I : constant CPU_Tensor := Identity (Size => Size);
Zero : constant CPU_Tensor := Zeros (Elements => Size);
Min_Value : constant Element := Constrained_Least_Squares (I, Zero, C, D).Norm**2;
This is called the least norm problem. Some books1 devote quite a few chapters and examples to various forms of least-squares problems, including constrained and non-linear least-squares.
While the function QR
can return a QR_Factorization'Class
for an overdetermined 2-D tensor A
, another instance of the function
can return just the upper triangular matrix R:
R : constant CPU_Tensor := QR (A);
This is useful if the orthogonal matrix Q is not needed.
TODO Describe how to get Q and R from a CPU_QR_Factorization
The Cholesky decomposition represents the matrix square root of a matrix A. if A is symmetric positive definite. Positive definite means that for all x /= 0 it is true that xT A x > 0.
The function Cholesky
returns the lower triangular matrix L or upper
triangular matrix LT of the Cholesky decomposition of A with A = L LT.
The parameter Form
specifies whether the Lower
or Upper
matrix (L or LT) must be returned.
An exception is raised if the matrix is not positive definite
If the matrix A
is not positive definite, then the matrix square root
does not exist and function Cholesky
will raise the exception
Rank 1 up- and downdate¶
The Cholesky rank 1 update or downdate can return a Cholesky decomposition
of the sum or difference of a matrix A and the outer product v vT
in a more efficient manner. Computing Cholesky (A + Outer (V, V)
for a given matrix A
and vector V
would have a time complexity of O(n3),
while the rank 1 update of the upper triangular matrix R has a time complexity
of O(n2). Thus if A is updated repeatedly and a Cholesky decomposition
needs to be computed each time, it is more efficient to compute the rank 1
update or downdate of R instead.
The function Cholesky_Update
can return a rank 1 update or downdate of
the given upper triangular matrix R
and vector V
D : constant CPU_Tensor := Cholesky_Update (R, V, Downdate);
where R
R : constant CPU_Tensor := Cholesky (A, Upper);
To be more precise, the result D exists given DTD = RTR ± v vT.
Only downdating has been implemented at the moment
The Schur decomposition has not been implemented yet
The SVD decomposition has not been implemented yet
"Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra", Boyd S., Vandenberge L., 2018 ↩