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Element-wise operations

All tensors, no matter which number of dimensions they have, support the many element-wise operations in Orka.Numerics.Tensors, using the operators provided by the Ada language. Binary operators support operations on two tensors as well as one tensor and one element.


The following binary operators can be used on tensors or a tensor and an element: +, -, *, /, **, mod, and rem. Unary operators like - and abs can be used on a single tensor.

Be warned that * does not perform element-wise multiplication if used on two tensors and ** if used on a tensor and an Integer exponent. Besides using operators, some of the operations can also be performed with the functions Add, Subtract, Multiply, Power (uses a single Integer as the exponent), and Divide.

The / operator may return NaNs if the denominator is zero. The function Divide_Or_Zero can be used to create zeros at these places instead.

* and ** are also used as operators for matrices

The * operator performs matrix multiplication if both operands are tensors. Use the function Multiply for element-wise multiplication. The ** operator provides the matrix power operation if the base is a tensor and the exponent an Integer. Use the function Power to raise the elements of a tensor to the power of a given Integer.

For example, given two tensors, the elements of the second tensor can be multiplied with a number and then added to the first tensor to create a new third tensor:

Tensor_3 : constant CPU_Tensor := Tensor_1 + 2.0 * Tensor_2;

Another example showing the abs and mod operators:

Tensor_4 : constant CPU_Tensor := (abs Tensor_1) mod Tensor_2;


To round numbers up, down, or the nearest integral value, the function Ceil, Floor, or Round can be used. To truncate the floating-point numbers, use the function Truncate.


The square-root can be used obtained with the function Sqrt. The operation ex, where x are the elements of a tensor, can be performed using the function Exp. The natural logarithm with the function Log, and the base 10 and base 2 logarithms with Log10 and Log2.

A tensor containing elements that are the minimum or maximum of a pair of elements can be created with the functions Min and Max. These two functions can operate on two tensors or a tensor and a single element.


The sine, cosine, or tangent (in radians) can be computed with the functions Sin, Cos, and Tan.

The arc sine, arc cosine, and arc tangent can be computed with the functions Arcsin, Arccos, and Arctan. Values must be in the range -1.0 .. 1.0 for Arcsin and Arccos, otherwise an exception may be raised. The function Arctan has two parameters and both must be greater than zero.

The function Degrees can be used to convert elements in a tensor from radians to degrees. Function Radians converts elements from degrees to radians.

Logical operations

Several operators like and, or, xor, and not can be used to compare the elements of two tensors. The function And_Not is equal to (not Left) and Right. The operator not inverts the boolean values in the tensor.

All of the operators (except for and) require the two tensors to be boolean tensors and the tensor they return is also a boolean tensor. A boolean tensor can be created by using one of the comparison operators (see below).

As mentioned earlier, the left operand of the and operator does not need to be a boolean tensor; it can be a tensor containing floating-point elements or even be a single element. The tensor this operator returns has the same type as the left operand and its values will be the values of the left operand whenever the corresponding (boolean) value of the right operand (always a tensor) is True. if the corresponding value is False then the value in the returned tensor is either 0.0 or False.

The and operator is very useful to select elements based on the truth value of the right tensor. For example, to select values from a tensor Tensor_Values using the boolean tensor Is_Valid:

Tensor_Valid_Values : constant CPU_Tensor := Tensor_Values and Is_Valid;

To increment the elements of a tensor Counter when the corresponding boolean in a tensor Is_Match is True, write:

Counter := Counter + (1.0 and Is_Match);

In these two examples, the boolean tensor of the right operand acts as a mask to select elements.


Boolean tensors can be created by using Ada's comparison operators: =, /=, >, <, >=, and <=. All of these operators can compare two tensors or a tensor and a single element. The tensors involved in the comparison must not be boolean tensor but a regular tensor.

For example, the function Binomial iteratively updates a tensor Result as follows:

Result := Result + (1.0 and (Uniform (Shape) <= P));

where P is an element and Uniform a function that generates a tensor with a uniform distribution. This example shows a comparison, a logical operation, and arithmetic, all in one line of code, even though the tensors involved might contain hundreds of thousands of elements depending on Shape.

Additionally, the = operator can return a Boolean, which will be True if all values of the two tensors are equal, or False otherwise:

if Tensor_1 = Tensor_2 then
    Orka.OS.Put_Line ("The two tensors are equal");
end if;

The function All_Close can be used to test if two tensors are equal enough given a relative and absolute tolerance.

After obtaining a boolean tensor, the tensor can be used in logical operations or used as an index (see below) to return a new (smaller) tensor consisting of only the elements selected by the index.

The functions Any_True and All_True return True if any or all elements a boolean tensor are True, and False otherwise. In particular, Any_True and All_True are useful to exit a loop:

exit when not Any_True (Loop_Condition);

This is useful in algorithms where you want to update elements of a tensor iteratively and exit the loop once all elements meet or no longer meet some condition.