Creating tensors¶
Tensors can be created using other tensors by applying the various operations on previous tensors using binary or unary operators. If there is no previous tensor that can be used to create a new tensor, a tensor can also be created from scratch using either an array of elements or booleans, or by calling certain functions that create tensor with certain values or properties:
A tensor can be created and filled with a specific value, all zeros, or all ones.
A tensor can be created with elements in a certain range or in a linear, logarithmic, or geometric space.
An identity matrix or 2-D tensor with specific elements on the main diagonal can be created.
From arrays¶
A 1-D tensor can be created from an array of elements using the function To_Tensor
Tensor : constant CPU_Tensor := To_Tensor ((1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0));
A boolean tensor can be created from an array of booleans using the
function To_Boolean_Tensor
Values : constant Boolean_Array := (False, True, False, True);
Tensor : constant CPU_Tensor := To_Boolean_Tensor (Values);
If a 2-D tensor is desired, provide the desired shape as the second parameter:
Matrix : constant CPU_Tensor := To_Tensor ((1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), (2, 2));
The function Reshape
can be used to create a 2-D tensor from a
1-D tensor. This may require copying the data, which the use of a
shape as the second parameter will avoid.
Filled with some value¶
A tensor consisting solely of zeros (0.0) or ones (1.0) can be created with
the functions Zeros
and Ones
. Each function has one parameter, indicating
the number of elements for a 1-D tensor, or the shape of the returned
For example, a 1-D tensor consisting of a 1000 ones can be created by writing:
Tensor : constant CPU_Tensor := Ones (1_000);
While a zero matrix with the shape 4 × 8 is created with:
Tensor : constant CPU_Tensor := Zeros ((4, 8));
To create a tensor of a particular shape filled with a specific value, use
the function Fill
. For example, a tensor of some shape where
each element has the value e-λ is created with:
E_Lambda : CPU_Tensor := Fill (Shape, Ada.Numerics.e ** (-Lambda));
Sometimes it is useful to create a tensor with some specified shape,
but without initializing the elements to some given value. This
avoids useless memory copies when the elements are later set
with the procedure Set
by some algorithm.
The function Empty
can create such an uninitialized array:
Sigmas : Matrix := Empty ((2 * N + 1, N));
Range or space¶
The functions Array_Range
, Linear_Space
, Log_Space
, and Geometric_Space
return a tensor containing numbers in the request space.
Function Array_Range
will return a tensor with numbers in the interval
from 0.0 (including) to (excluding) the given stop value, using a step size
of 1.0 between two adjacent elements.
For example, Array_Range (3.0)
returns a tensor with the values
0.0, 1.0, and 2.0. Optionally, the start of the interval can be given by
calling the function with two or three parameters:
Tensor_1 : constant CPU_Tensor := Array_Range (2.0, 5.0);
Tensor_2 : constant CPU_Tensor := Array_Range (2.0, 5.0, Step => 1.0);
and Tensor_2
both contain numbers in the interval [0.0, 5.0):
the numbers 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0. The start of the interval must be less than
the stop.
The third parameter Step
is optional and has the default value 1.0. Its
value must be greater than 0.0 if given.
Linear space¶
Instead of specifying an interval and a step size, the number of elements
in the returned tensor can be given for the function Linear_Space
Tensor_1 : constant CPU_Tensor := Linear_Space (1.0, 5.0, Count => 5);
This will create a tensor Tensor_1
with the elements 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0.
Function Linear_Space
has a fourth parameter Interval
with the default
value Closed
, which causes the function to return a tensor containing
numbers in a linear scale in the interval [start, stop].
If the value Half_Open
is used instead, the interval will be [start, stop):
Tensor_2 : constant CPU_Tensor :=
Linear_Space (1.0, 5.0, Count => 5, Interval => Half_Open);
Due to the value Half_Open
, tensor Tensor_2
will contain the numbers
1.0, 1.8, 2.6, 3.4, and 4.2 instead.
Unlike Array_Range
, the start of the interval may be greater or equal to
the stop of the interval. If parameter Start
is greater than Stop
, the
numbers in the tensor will be decreasing.
If Start
is equal to Stop
, the interval is degenerate and all numbers
are equal to Start
and Stop
Logarithmic space¶
The function Log_Space
can be used to create a tensor with numbers in
a logarithmic scale in the interval [basestart, basestop] when interval
is closed and [basestart, basestop) when half open.
The base can be specified with the optional fourth parameter Base
Its default value is 10.0.
For example, a tensor with the numbers 100.0, 1000.0, and 10000.0 can be created using the default base 10.0:
Tensor : constant CPU_Tensor := Log_Space (2.0, 4.0, Count => 3);
And a tensor with the numbers 2.0, 4.0, and 8.0 can be created by specifying a base 2.0:
Tensor : constant CPU_Tensor := Log_Space (1.0, 3.0, Count => 3, Base => 2.0);
Geometric space¶
The function Geometric_Space
is similar to Log_Space
with the difference
that the actual start and stop of the interval instead of the exponents
are specified.
For example, a tensor with three numbers in the half open interval [0.0, 1000.0) can be created with:
Tensor : constant CPU_Tensor :=
Geometric_Space (1.0, 1_000.0, Count => 3, Interval => Half_Open);
The tensor will contain the numbers 1.0, 10.0, and 100.0.
Identity matrix or diagonal¶
To create a square identity matrix, call function Identity
the size of the matrix (rows and column) as the first parameter.
A second optional parameter controls on which diagonal the ones
are placed. The default value of this parameter is 0, which places
the ones on the main diagonal.
For example, a 3 × 3 matrix with the ones on the diagonal one position
above the main diagonal can be created as follows:
Tensor : constant CPU_Tensor := Identity (3, Offset => 1);
Printing the image of this tensor will display:
tensor([[ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
[ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
To create a non-square matrix, provide two separate parameters representing
the number of rows and columns to function Identity
If one wishes to create an identity matrix with certain elements instead of
ones on the diagonal, use function Diagonal
instead. The returned 2-D tensor
will always be a square matrix with the number of rows and columns equal to
the number of elements in the given array.
Tensor_1 : constant CPU_Tensor := Diagonal ((1.0, 2.0, 3.0));
Alternatively, the elements from a 1-D tensor instead of an array can be used:
Main_Diagonal : constant CPU_Tensor := To_Tensor ((1.0, 2.0, 3.0));
Tensor_2 : constant CPU_Tensor := Diagonal (Main_Diagonal);
In the examples above, Tensor_1
is equal to Tensor_2
Just like Identity
, the function Diagonal
accepts a second parameter
that specifies on which diagonal the elements must be placed.
Triangular parts¶
The upper triangular part of a matrix A
with zeros in the lower triangular
part can be created with the function Upper_Triangular